Tommaso Gazzarri
Academic Apointments
Professor of Classics, Union College (2024 – present)
Director of the Law and Humanities Program, Union College (2022 – present)
Associate Professor of Classics, Union College (2020 – 2024)
Assistant Professor of Classics, Union College (2014 – 2020)
Assistant Professor and Head of the Classics Program, The University of Memphis (2012 – 2014)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Union College (2010 – 2012)
Ph.D. 2010, Yale University
M.Phil. 2007, Yale University
M.A. 2006, Yale University
M.A. 2003, Johns Hopkins University
Italian Laurea, (summa cum laude), 2001 Università degli Studi di Pisa.
Research Interests
Roman Philosophy
Silver Latin Literature
Cognitive Linguistics
Ancient Rhetoric
Gender Studies
Roman Comedy
Books - Monographs, Editions, and Edited Volumes
GAZZARRI, T. (ed., trans. and comment.), Seneca. De tranquillitate animi. Classici Greci e Latini. Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2024.
GAZZARRI, T.,/WEINER, J. (eds.), Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Antiquity. Leiden (Brill), 2023.
GAZZARRI, T. The Stylus and the Scalpel. A Theory and Practice of Metaphors in Seneca’s Prose. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.
Reviews: C. Whitton, G&R, 68.2 (2001): 300-312; C. Stark, JRS (2022): 1.2 402-404; A. Casamento, Ciceroniana 6.1 (2022), 159-162.
GAZZARRI, T. (ed., trans., and comment.), Plauto. Poenulus e Truculentus. Classici Greci e Latini. Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2015.
Reviews: M.M. Bianco, Bollettino di Studi Latini, 46.1 (2016): 350-353; G. Sorrentino, CR 66.2 (2016): 402-404.
GAZZARRI, T. (ed., trans., and comment.), Seneca. De Brevitate Vitae. Classici Greci e Latini. Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2010.
Journal Special Issues
GAZZARRI, T.,/BERNO, F.R. (eds.) Lucius Annaeus Seneca: Contemplando la vita contemplativa. Letture del De Otio si Seneca. Rome, 2022. (= LAS 4)
GAZZARRI, T.,/BERNO, F.R. (eds.) Seneca. Love letters. Rome, 2025. (= LAS 2)
GAZZARRI, T.,/BERNO, F.R. (eds.) Lucius Annaeus Seneca: New Perspectives in Senecan Studies - Inaugural Issue.Rome, 2021. (= LAS 1).
Articles and Book Chapters
GAZZARRI,T. and BERNO, F.R. "Letture del De Otio di Seneca. Introduzione." Forthcoming LAS 4 (Jan 2025).
GAZZARRI, T. "De Otio 2. The Pursuit of Otium and the Vestals' Exemplary Life." Forthcoming LAS 4 (Jan. 2025).
GAZZARRI, T. “Peace of Mind is Movement. An Application of Conceptual Metaphor Theory to Seneca’s Ideal of Tranquillitas.” In Horn (ed.) Metaphors of the Ancient World: Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Ancient Sources, Forthcoming Boston/Berlin, 2025: 247-269.
GAZZARRI, T. “A Textual Observation on Imperia Praeceptorum at De Tranquillitate Animi 1.10,” Latomus 83.2 (2024): 296-305
GAZZARRI, T. “A Note on Seneca De Tranquillitate Animi 1.10,” Latomus 83.2 (2024): 370.
GAZZARRI, T., and WEINER, J. "Introduction." In "Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Antiquity." In Gazzarri/Weiner 2023: 1-23.
GAZZARRI, T. “Perhaps a Fish, Surely an Ostrich, and Definitely a Fool. The Ontology of Insults at De Constantia Sapientis 17.1.” AJPh 144.2 (2023): 285-320.
GAZZARRI, T. and BERNO, F.R., "Seneca, lettere d'amore. Introduzione." LAS 2 (2022): 5-10.
GAZZARRI, T. “Due letture della cornice della lettera 64 di Seneca, 1. La simbologia del fumo.” LAS 1 (2021): 9-24.
GAZZARRI, T. “Sub Auro Servitus Habitat. Seneca's Moralizing of Architecture and the Anti-Neronian Querelle”. In Intertextuality in Seneca’s Philosophical Works. Papaioannou/Garani/Michaloupoulos 2020: 161-178.
GAZZARRI, T. “Cinaedus Galbinatus: Cultural Perception of the Color “Green” and its Gender Association with Pathici in Rome." EuGeSta 9 (2019): 79-107. Reprinted in Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Antiquity. Gazzarri/Weiner 2023: 123-153.
GAZZARRI, T. “Patruae Verbera Linguae and the Ius Osculi in Horace, Carm. 3.12.” CW 112.3 (2019): 151-160.
GAZZARRI, T. “Phronesium, the Lex Oppia and the Composition of the Truculentus.” RhM 161 (2018): 1-21.
GAZZARRI, T. “Gender-Based Differential Morbidity and Moral Teaching in Seneca's Epistulae Morales.” In Seneca Philosophus. Colish/Wildberger 2014: 209-227.
GAZZARRI, T. “The Meaning of “Nocte Intempesta” in Satyricon 101.5.” Maia 61.2 (2009): 274-284.
Encyclopedia Entries
GAZZARRI, T. “Chaeremon of Alexandria”. The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 10 September 2019 []
GAZZARRI, T. “Poenulus". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 14 September 2016 []
GAZZARRI, T. “Musonius Rufus". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 June 2016 []
GAZZARRI, T. “De Brevitate Vitae". The Literary Encyclopedia. First Published 26 October 2015. []
GAZZARRI, T. Review of Stöckinger, M., Winter, K., and Zanker, A., eds. Horace and Seneca. Interactions, Intertexts, Interpretations. Berlin-Boston, 2017. Gnomon 95.5. (2023): 408-412.
GAZZARRI, T. Review of Berno, F. R. (ed.), De Constantia Sapientis. La fermezza del saggio. Napoli, 2018. BMCR 2019.08.45.
GAZZARRI, T. Review of M. Sjöblad A., Metaphorical Coherence. Studies in Seneca’s Epistulae Morales. (StudiaGraeca et Latina Lundensia 20.) pp. 82. Lund: Lund University, 2015. Paper. ISBN: 978-91-637-9425-4. CR 67.1 (2017): 109-111.
GAZZARRI, T. Review of Peter J. Anderson, Seneca: Selected Dialogues and Consolations. Translated with introduction and notes by Peter J. Anderson. Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company, 2015. New England Classical Journal 43.2 (2016): 121-123.
GAZZARRI, T. Review of Costa S., “Quod olim fuerat": la rappresentazione del passato in Seneca prosatore. Spudasmata, Bd 152. Hildesheim; Zürich; New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2015. Gnomon 88.3 (2016): 213- 216.
GAZZARRI, T. Review of Thorsteinsson R.M., Roman Christianity and Roman Stoicism. A Comparative Study of Ancient Morality. Pp. xiv + 248. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. CR 62.1 (2011): 111-113.
GAZZARRI, T. Review of Seneca minor. - La Clemenza, Apocolocyntosis, Epigrammi, Frammenti di Lucio Anneo Seneca. A cura di Luciano de Biasi, Anna Maria Ferrero, Ermanno Malaspina e Dionigi Vottero. Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese 2009. 841 S. (Classici Latini). Gnomon 83.8 (2011): 752-754.
Scholarship in Preparation
GAZZARRI, T. "Homosexuality." in Agoustakis, A. and Glazebrook, A. The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Sexuality in the Greek and Romasn Worlds. (Forthcoming 2026 - contract signed).
GAZZARRI, T./BERNO, F.R. (eds.) “New Perspectives on Musonian Studies.” (edited volume in preparation)
GAZZARRI, T. “L.A. Cornutus". The Literary Encyclopedia.
GAZZARRI, T. “Rara Avis: The Phoenix and Seneca’s Appropriation of Egyptian Culture”.
GAZZARRI, T. “Hadrian’s Animula and Seneca's Consolatio ad Helviam Matrem”.
Public Lectures
Spring 2025, Berlin: Secundum Naturam Vivere. Ein antikes Kozept und seine Transformationen. "Blessed Life and Healthy Pneuma: A Medical Interpretation of Seneca's De Vita Beata."
Summer 2024, Vita Beata. Roundtable - XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rοme.
Summer 2024, De Otio. Ch. 2. Sapienza Università di Roma.
Winter 2022, UCLA (via ZOOM). "Cinaedi: A Litmus Test for the history of Sexuality."
October 2021, La Sapienza University of Rome. Launch via ZOOM of the new international journal of Senecan studies (LAS), as part of the international symposium on "Seneca's Love Letters".
April, 2019, Williams College. Seminar Class on Seneca’s De Constantia Sapientis. A workshop offered to the students in cooperation with A. Wilcox (Williams College) and F.R. Berno (La Sapienza, Università di Roma).
October 2018, Annual GMALL Conferences Cycle, Dorset, VT. “A Brief History of Capital Punishment in the Ancient Roman World”.
October 2018, Annual CAAS meeting, Philadelphia, PA. “Cinaedus Galbinatus: Cultural Perception of the Color “Green” and its Gender Association with Pathici in Rome”.
May 2017 Annual UCall Series, Schenectady, NY. “Ancient Religion in Greece and Rome. A Brief Survey”.
December 2018, Schenectady Public Library. “Seneca’s De Tranquillitate Animi”.
Nov. 2017, Liceo Classico Ginnasio Galilei. “Ancient Metaphor, Part II. Cicero and Quintilian”.
Nov. 2017, Liceo Classico Ginnasio Galilei. “Ancient Metaphor, Part I. Aristotle and the Stoics”.
Nov. 2017, La Sapienza – University of Rome. “Seneca and the Theory of Metaphors”.
May 2017, International Conference on Senecan Intertextuality, University of Athens. “Sub auro servitus habitat. Seneca's Moralizing of Architecture and the Anti-Neronian Querelle”.
Oct. 2015, Annual CAES meeting, Syracuse, NY. “The Age of Innocence? Parthenoi, Neaniskoi and the Perception of Sexual Risk in Classical Athens.
Mar. 2014, Union College: “Truculentus and the Abrogation of the Lex Oppia" and Oct. 2014, Annual CAAS meeting, Washington DC.
Nov. 2012, Annual TFLTA meeting, Franklin, TN: “The Stomach as a paradigm of moral corruption in Seneca’s philosophical preaching”.
Mar. 2011, University of Cincinnati, March 2012 – The University of Memphis and Nov. 2012 - University of Mississippi, Oxford, MI, “Der Mensch ist, was er is(s)t”. Food, Gender Construction and Moral Teaching in Seneca’s Epistulae Morales”.
Mar. 2011, Union College. “Dying in Silence: The Execution of Women in the Ancient World”.
Oct. 2010, Annual CAAS meeting, Newark, NY and May 2011 American University of Paris: Seneca Philosophus: An International Conference hosted by the AUP and GANPH (Gesellschaftfür Antike Philosophie). “Gender-Based Differential Morbidity and Moral Teaching in Seneca's Epistulae Morales”.
Oct. 2010, Annual CAES meeting, Union College. “The Endless Wait: How Women Should Live According to Roman Poets”.
Feb. 2009, Annual CANE meeting, Boston, MA. “Bald Women with Gout. Engendering Moral Illness in Seneca’s Epistula 95”.
Oct. 2008, Annual CAAS meeting, Princeton, NJ. ""kouk' etheloisa" – Even Against Her Will. A portrayal of the Latin Sappho”.
Departmental Workshop, Yale University, New Haven. “Lesbian Sappho in Latin Poetry”.
Apr. 2008 – Graduate Conference, CUNY, New York, NY. “The Philosopher and the Occupatus. The Dialectic of Property in Seneca’s Epistulae Morales”.
Jan. 2008, Annual APA meeting, Chicago, IL. “Property and Interiority: Some Aspects of Juridical Language in Seneca”.
Feb. 2004, Departmental Workshop, Yale University, New Haven. “The Discovery of Tacitus’ Minor Works in the XV Century”.
Nov. 2003, Graduate Conference, The University of Texas, Austin. “Satyricon 101.5: A Case of Irony Regained”.
Sept. 2003, Departmental Workshop, Yale University, New Haven. “Aboard Licha’s ship. Text and Transmission of Satyricon 100.1-110.5”.
Jan. 2003, Graduate Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. ““Nocte Intempesta": Analysis of Shipwreck Rituals for an Alternative Interpretation of the Expression”.
Panels and Scholarly Events Organized and/or Chaired
Co-chair of CAAS Panel: “Medicine: Ancient and Modern Textual and Material (Mis)representations.” New Brunswick, NJ, October 2024.
Co-organizer, co-chair, and respondent of SCS (former APA) Panel: “New Perspectives on Musonian Studies”. Chicago, IL, January 2024
Chair of CAAS Panel: “Roman Literature: New Approaches and Theories”. Philadelphia, PA, October 2023.
Chair of CAAS Panel: “Antiquity on the Modern Page, Stage, and Screen”. Wilmington, DE, October 2022.
Co-organizer, co-chair, and respondent of SCS (former APA) Panel: “Legalized it: Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Law”. Chicago, IL, January 2021
Co-organizer, co-chair, and respondent of SCS (former APA) Panel: “Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Antiquity”. San Diego, CA, January 2019
Chair of Session #4 “Wittiness (ἐυτραπελία)” of The International Symposium on Aristotle: “Virtue and Emotion in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics IV.5-9" (Union College).
Co-organizer, co-chair, and respondent of APA Panel: “Politics by Other Means? Ethics and Aesthetics in Roman Stoicism". Chicago, IL, January 2014
The David L. Sigsbee Memorial Lectures (Creator and director of the series). Memphis, TN, Spring 2014.
Co-organizer of the 2003 James Poultney Lecture (Johns Hopkins University). Guest speaker Prof. Froma I. Zeitlin, Princeton University.
Institutional Service
College Level
Director of the “Law and Humanities Program” (Fall 2022 – present)
AAC division #1 representative member Fall 2021 ad interim, Fall 2022-present as a regular representative
AAC Chair (Fall 2022-2023) – Ex officio: (1) member of the advisory committee of covid, (2) member of the sub-council for new course approvals, (3) member of the interviewing committee for departmental external reviews
Mini-term abroad leader for the Populonia mini-term
Committee for the implementation of a language curricular requirement
Exhibit on ancient Roman glasses (The Carl George Collection)
Committee on LGBTQ+ affairs (from its foundation -2022)
Committee on Facilities
General Education Board
Junior Jump Start
Departmental Level
Founder of the Udig archaeological initiative
Selection committees for CYA terms abroad in Athens (x2)
Search committee for AP (x1)
Search committee for VAP (x2)
Organization of select lectures (guest speakers):
M. Graver (Dartmouth College)
F.R. Berno (University of Rome)
S. Papaioannou (University of Athens)
S. Ferrara (University of Bologna)
Amy Oh (Skidmore College)
Departmental website development (2014-present)
Classics Club
Responsible for classics honor society ΗΣΦ (2014-present)
Classics/Italian Search Committee
Department Advisory Council
Head of the Classics Program
Creation of interdepartmental Classics minor
Founder of the Classical Club
Service to the Field (nationally and internationally)
CAAS - Regional Director for Eastern NY - Fall 2022 - present
CAAS - Member of the Program Committee - Fall 2021 - present
Co-founder and co-director of LAS - Lucius Annaeus Seneca: International Journal of Senecan Studies
Member of the scientific committee of Pan - Rivista di Filologia Latina, (Università degli Studi di Palermo)
Member of the scientific committee of Lumina (book series for the publishing house De Gruyter)
Referee for TAPA, CJ, MAIA, OUP, Cognitive Linguistics, Ancient Narrative, AJPh
Teaching Experience
Fall 2024, Union College- Homeric Greek
Fall 2023, Union College - Cicero and Seneca
Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Winter 2025, Union College and Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, The University of Memphis – Intermediate Latin.
Fall 2016, Fall 2023, Union College - Upper Intermediate Greek.
Spring 2016, Union College - Intermediate Greek.
Spring 2016, Union College - Roman Drama: from Plautus to Seneca.
Winter 2016, Winter 2023, Union College - Beginning Greek.
Fall 2015, Union College - Performing Gender in Ancient Rome (as a Research Seminar -SRS).
Spring 2015, Union College - Roman Satire: An Overview.
Winter 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Winter 2019, Spring 2020, Winter 2024, Union College - Sex and Gender in Classical Greece (both as a research seminar and as a lecture class).
Spring 2014, The University of Memphis – Advanced Latin.
Winter 2017 and Winter 2019, Winter 2020, Union College and Fall 2013, The University of Memphis – Pre-Intermediate Latin.
Spring 2013, The University of Memphis – Latin Love Poetry.
Fall 2012, The University of Memphis – Roman Historians.
Fall 2012, Fall 2013, The University of Memphis and Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2022, Fall 2024, Union College – Elementary Latin.
Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2014, Winter 2016, Winter 2020, Fall 2022, Winter 2024, Union College – Reason and Passions in the Ancient World.
Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2018, Fall 2020, Fall 2022, Fall 2024, Union College – Elementary Latin.
Spring 2011, Union College – Introduction to Greek Comedy.
Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Union College – Engineering in the Ancient World
Winter 2011, Union College – Entrepreneurship in the Ancient World.
Winter 2011, Winter 2012, Winter 2017, Spring 2019, Union College and Spring 2014, The University of Memphis – Capital Punishment in the Ancient World.
Fall 2010, Union College and Fall 2013, The University of Memphis – Classical Mythology.
Spring 2010, Yale University – Introduction to Latin: Selected Readings. As Teaching Fellow.
Fall 2009, Yale University – Latin Prose. (Apuleius). As Teaching Fellow.
Spring 2009, Yale University – Western Art from the Renaissance to the 20th Century. As TA for Prof. A. Nemerov.
Spring 2009, Yale University – Introduction to Latin Literature. As TA for Prof. K. Freudenburg.
Spring 2007, Yale University – Introduction to Latin Poetry. (Vergil, Aeneid). As Teaching Fellow.
Fall 2006, Yale University – The Elements of Latin Grammar. As Teaching Fellow.
Spring 2006, Yale University – Intermediate Latin: Review of Grammar and Selected Readings. (Selected reading from Bellum Civile, Bellum Alexandrinum and Catullus). As Teaching Fellow.
Fall 2005, Yale University – Latin Prose, an Introduction. (Cicero, Pro Archia, Somnium Scipi- onis; Seneca, Apokolokyntosis). As Teaching Fellow.
Summer 2003, Johns Hopkins University – Intensive Latin.
Theses and Independent Studies Supervision
Kendall McCann, “What Plato can Teach us about American Democracy.” Fall 2024/Winter 2025 (Senior Thesis – in cooperation with Political Science)
Faith Burroughs, “Livia Drusilla. The Making of and Empress.” Fall 2024/Winter 2025 (Senior Thesis)
Seamus Foley, “Models of Leadership in Plutarch’s Parallel Lives.” Fall 2024/Winter 2025 (Senior Thesis)
Melanie Brody, “Aeneid II: A Comparative Analysis of Its Extant English Translations.”
Fall 2024/Winter 2025 (Senior Thesis) -
Brendan Cullen, “Odysseus’s Trajectory Between Lies and Truth.” Fall 2024/Winter 2025 (Senior Thesis)
Grant DeBoer, “Roman Law: The history of the sources and the Fundamentals of Litigation.” Spring 2024 (Independent Study)
Matthew Conolly, “The Childhood and Youth of Agrippina the Younger.” Spring 2024 (Independent Study)
James Hogan, “From Roman Infantry to Medieval Cavalry: A study in Military History.” Fall 2023/Winter 2024 (Senior Thesis)
Mark Goldshare, "The System of Roman Roads in the Italian Peninsula in the Early-Republican Age". Fall 2023/Winter 2024. (OTM Project)
Samuel Perry, "Mediterranean Traditions of Aphrodite". Fall 2022/Winter 2023. (Senior Thesis)
David Sherwood, "Classical Imagination and the Apocalypse". Fall 2022/Winter 2023. (Senior Thesis)
Madeline Rioux, "The Revolt of Queen Boudicca". Fall 2022/Winter 2023. (Senior Thesis)
Francesco Di Iorio, "The Battle of Alesia". Fall 2021. (Independent Study).
Molly McLeod, “The Vocabulary of Kinship in the Classical World”. Spring 2020. (Independent Study).
Austin Dorsey, “Socrates' Trial". Spring 2020. (Independent Study).
Marika Contompasis, “The Significance of Luxury Goods: A Diachronic Analysis from Classical Antiquity to Contemporary North-American Society”. Spring 2020 (Co-Advisor - Senior thesis).
Jeremy Jordan, “A Noble Life: Virtue and Liberty in Aristotle's Political Thought". Winter 2017. (Independent Study).
Brian Alebiosou, “A Reconstruction of the Contemporary Campaign Designed to Manifest Social Integration in Pursuit of Increasing Social Mobility". Spring 2017. (Co-Advisor - Senior thesis).
Kathryn Evans, “Different Roles, Different Rules: How Liberties and Limitations Varied for Wives and Prostitutes in Classical Athens". Spring 2017. (Main Advisor - Senior thesis). Recipient of the President's Commission on the Status of Women's Senior Scholarly Activity Award.
Emily Pastore, “Modern Interpretations of Ancient Roman Mosaics". Spring 2016. (Co-advisor - Senior thesis).
Shivangi Mehta, “Democracy and Citizenship in Athens. A Counterintuitive Relationship". Spring 2016. (Co-advisor - Senior thesis).
Aurora Butera, “The Theodosian Code". Spring 2016. (Co-advisor - Senior thesis).
Anthony LoBrace, “Socrates' Trial". Spring 2016. (Co-advisor - Senior thesis).
Gianluca Avanzato, “A Nation Divided: The Failed Unification of Italy and the Emergence of Italian Orientalism". Spring 2016. (Independent study). Recipient of the Edward Everett Hale Jr. Prize.
Andrea Schwartz, “Water and Engineering in the Graeco-Roman World”. May 2012. (Main advisor - Senior thesis).
Joe Cardino, “War and Taxation in Ancient Rome”. March 2012. (Secondary advisor - Senior thesis).
Honors and Awards
2017 - Loeb Foundation Fellowship (35.000 USD)
2016 - CAAS Resource Grant (600 USD)
2011, -24 - IEF Union College Fund (20509 USD)
2010, -11, -14, -15, -16, -17, -18, - 22, -23 Union College Conference Fund (13.300 USD total)
2010, -11, -17, -18, - 22, -23 Union college HFRF Fund (16.300 USD total)
2008 - Yale University, John F. Enders Fellowship
2008 - Yale University, Dissertation Fellowship
2006, -07, -08 - Yale University, Berkeley, Biddle, Woosley Travel Grant
2003 to -09 - Yale University, Ph.D. fellowship
Spring 2003 - Johns Hopkins University, Teaching Assistantship
Fall 2002 - Johns Hopkins University, Research Assistantship
2001 - Johns Hopkins University, Graduate Fellowship
2001 - Università degli Studi di Pisa, Laurea summa cum laude - Full Remission Tuition
Fluent in French, English, and Italian (native)
Trained in Latin and Ancient Greek
Reading knowledge of German and Spanish
Professional Affiliations
SCS (Society for Classical Studies. Former APA)
CAC (The Classical Association of Canada)
CA (The Classical Association. U.K.)
CANE (The Classical Association of New England)
CAAS (The Classical Association of the Atlantic States)
Classical Club of New York
CAES (Classical Association of the Empire State)
WCC (Women Classical Caucus)
LCC (Lambda Classical Caucus)
SIAC (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron)